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Leaving for remote areas of Guatemala

We are beginning to see results from all the effort put forth to video record a Pastor’s Seminar and a five part series on Prayer and Revival. Distributing these DVD’s to many pastors and television stations is exciting and in our next letter we will share some of the testimonies.

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,

Next week we leave again for several remote areas of Guatemala to hold seminars.

We continue to believe that conditions in Guatemala make it one of three countries where nationwide revival can begin. Nearly 50% of the country is considered evangelical yet the crime and violence is overwhelming the country. Christian pastors and laypeople alike believe the only way to see their country turned around is for God to send true Holy Spirit revival. This means God will come over Christians, Churches and their nation and they will know His presence. This is different from being “filled with the spirit” or knowing the “abundant life” which is a personal indwelling experience. When God sends revival to a Latin American country it is our hope that it will spread throughout the Spanish speaking world.

There have been three “large well documented revivals” in America; however the last one was more than a hundred years ago. The United States like Guatemala is in great need of a God sent revival.

Over the years I have read more than hundred books on “Real Revival”. Nearly every revival worldwide has begun with a small number of godly Christians fulfilling II Chronicles 7:14. Should God burden your heart to pray for revival to come to our nation and you would like to read more about what God has done in the past, let me suggest that you visit this web site and call their 800 number for their recommendations on what to read. While in North Carolina recently, Judy and I spent several hours with these dear friends and came home with new material which has already blessed our lives and ministry.

We are praying, hoping and believing that this trip to Guatemala will allow us to see the first specific evidence of revival in a country in Latin America.

Our trip to Venezuela to a planned meeting of evangelical leaders had to be canceled because of lack of funds. Their country is being shut off from every other Latin American nation through exaggeratedly high costs of travel caused by their Presidents policies. We hope that God will give us the opportunity to go city by city and town by town through Venezuela preaching the message of Prayer and Revival and revival will come to that nation.

Confirmed and planned schedule for the next 2 months:

  • April 2-14 Guatemala Seminars and preaching in numerous churches

  • May 3-5 Costa Rica Preaching

  • May 5-11 Lima, Peru Preaching to first national Intercessors Conference and preaching in numerous churches.

  • May 12-16 La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia Our trip has just been cancelled due to health concerns.

  • May 17-19 Dallas- Ft Worth Preaching and hopefully first English speaking seminar.

This is a historic year for Judy and me. 50 years ago this August I accepted the Lord, 50 years ago this October I fell in love with my Judy. 40 years ago this August we were appointed missionaries to Peru. For a 69 year old man my life has been full and it has been truly blessed.

Rigo was blessed to see 192 people accept the Lord this past Easter weekend in his evangelistic crusade in a rural area of Costa Rica. The above pictures show how God uses Rigo to reach the lost in rural areas. His next rural crusade April 11, 12, and 13 will be in a gymnasium in the Caribbean port city of Limon. God provided us with necessary funds to purchase him a video projector for his crusades and one of our sons has provided him a much needed digital camera so he will not have to borrow one to document these crusades. We still need a PC for Rigo.

Prayer Needs:

  • For our lives to reflect the presence of the Lord during this trip to Guatemala.

  • For God to send revival to Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru or any country in Latin America

  • For God to bless our nation with revival.

  • For Rigo and his April 11-13 crusade. That he will be hidden behind the Cross and God will bless many through the preaching of His word.

  • We need your intercessory prayer. God always honors prayer in behalf of others. We need wisdom, strength, endurance, wisdom, and most of all sensitivity to His leading.

Our Love in the Lord, to each of you,

Charles and Judy Moore

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